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Kawthar BOUCHEMAL's Home page





Kawthar Bouchemal is a full Professor in Polymer Physical Chemistry and Formulation at Chimie ParisTech – PSL University. She conducts research activities at the Chemistry Research Institute of Paris (IRCP, UMR CNRS PSL 8247).


After a Doctor of Pharmacy diploma, she joined the group of Professor Hatem Fessi at the University of Lyon, where she completed a master's degree in Medical and Biological Engineering (2000-2001) and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology  (2001-2004). After a postdoctoral stay at the University of Geneva, she joined the University of Paris-Saclay in 2006 as an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology. From 2015 to 2020, she was a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, an elite French institution that recognizes the teaching and research achievements of the awardees. Since 2022, she has been appointed a Professor at Chimie ParisTech  – PSL University. 


Her research activities focus on conceiving, characterizing, and evaluating the physicochemical and biological behavior of pharmaceutical formulations. Her research on biopolymers and cyclodextrins led to a new family of particles with nonspherical morphology. She serendipitously discovered that mixing an amphiphilic biopolymer with α-cyclodextrin in water results in particles with a typical hexagonal shape, flat surfaces, and sharp edges. These particles exhibited intrinsic antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities. Other research deals with process engineering applied to the formulation of colloidal systems by nanoprecipitation in a microfluidic device. 


She was awarded the Best Innovative Company award by the French Minister of Higher Education and Research (Emergence and i-Lab). Based on her experience in technology transfer and entrepreneurship, she founded a Master's degree program focused on the Protection and Management of Innovation in Health. 


She served on the editorial board of the Pharmaceutical Research journal and was a guest editor for the International Journal of Pharmaceutics. She was chair and member of the organizing and scientific committee of national and international meetings on Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics. 



Chimie ParisTech 

11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie



kawthar.bouchemal @ chimieparistech.psl.eu